Friday, February 11, 2011

Bestseller Makes Enormous Changes

The Yuan Globe
Last updated 7:30pm Feb 17, 1297
Article by: Sahar Khan
                      Marco Polo's book has been published! Travels of Marco Polo is about his past experiences and travels in China and other parts of the world. The book got published after tragedy hit as news was sent to Marco Polo that Kublai Khan has died. Polo decided to go home to Italy as there is no use in traveling to Persia anymore. Marco Polo has just gotten out of jail, his cellmate Antonio says “While me and Marco were prisoners he would tell me about his past experiences, I believed him as our bond had become greater but some things were a little too hard to believe, like his description of giant birds that dropped elephants from a great hight and devoured there broken carcasses.” A lot of high controversy has come about his traveling and what he had seen. But now that his book has been published many great things have been the outcome of it like trade and travel. The roads connected to the silk road, the network of trade routes dating back to the days of the Han dynasty is now being used by westerners swell. The China Times quotes “Marco Polo’s book sparked a great interest in china among Europeans and has led to a dramatic increase in trade and along the Silk Road.” Westerners now learned about movable type, the magnetic compass, playing cards, kites, eye glasses, the decimal system, wheelbarrows, gun powder, the mass products of books, and other inventions, invented by China. Westerners as far as Italy have been hearing of these great inventions and have found great use for everything to make life easier. There’s now active exchange on information in the field of medicine, religious beliefs, and styles of art and architecture. The Silk Road is being traveled by more than ever and there is a great amount of trade between different lands. A lot of good has come out of Marco Polo’s published book that has become a best seller of the time, and let’s hope for more good in the future.

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