Sunday, February 13, 2011

Chinese Drama

             Chinese drama was a helpful way some literati expressed their resentment of the foreign occupiers through writing plays. The literati’s effort led to a great revolution in Chinese drama. Literati’s were able to express their resentment of foreign occupiers through writing plays because the plays were written in everyday language of the people and this unable the Mongols from understanding the local dialects. The Chinese play writers were clever enough that within the plot and characterization there were many references to the Mongols, they enabled the theater to provide a place for the feelings of frustration felt among all classes of Chinese. The Mongolians were advocators of the theater; they enjoyed the plays and spectacles while they were fully unaware that they are the targets of the political mockery. From expressing their resentment of the foreign occupiers, writing plays was a helpful way to get their frustration and discontent out.

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