Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A New Order In Social Classes

The Yuan Globe "Editorials"
Article by: Sahar Khan
Last updated: 8:30pm Feb 13,1279

Kublai has enforced his own authority because the Mongols are outnumbered nearly one to ten, to enforce his own authority he divided all his subjects into four classes. The new order of social classes is unlawful and absurd; the way the social classes are organized is very unfair and unreasonable. This matters as the second to bottom class are the Northern Chinese and the lower class are the Southern Chinese (former subjects of the Southern Song Dynasty). The rankings are contradictive because the Chinese are the natives of the land and deserve some respect. Not only is making up the bottom of the social class bad but they had stricter punishments than the non-Chinese. The social class would make more sense and be fair if the Chinese come before the foreigners (they are ranked the second on the social class). Even though the foreigners have been of great help by inventing and making up the advisory, and it also makes sense for the Mongols to rank at the top, but the Chinese should be higher in the social class they were there first after all.

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